Letter for Scarlett. {January 4, 2013}

Oh how I love you my Scarlett!
You are such a sweet girl~ My favorite time with you is nursing, as was with your sister.
At times I can't make eye contact when you're beeing silly because you'll stop to giggle. 
It's is so temping when you give me that sneaky grin! 
You have been sleeping through the night since you were 9-10 weeks old, of which I am so thankful ; )  You set your own schedule, which works right in with Reagan's bedtime.  I never dreamed I would be putting two children to bed at the same time already.  Both of you are down by 10 and up by 8... Happy mommy~
You hang out in your swing a lot while your sister and I are in the kitchen, and on your play mat in the living room while we play and read.  Right in the middle so you won't miss anything. 
You've just started trying to roll over, and are teething like crazy.
It's wild to see your little personality already, and see the differences in you and your sister.  The biggest thing I noticed from day one was how you do NOT like to be messed with.  At all.  When I'm clipping your nails, cleaning your ears or heaven forbid your nose... it's like the world is going to end.  It's really the only time you get upset lately.  You were fussy early on in the evenings, but I think my 'mommy amnesia' has already started to soften that hurdle we had to cross. : ) 

You are a super snuggle bug, and love giving me kisses and talking with your sweet little coos.  When you start talking, everything in the house comes to a hault and we all come to talk to you...
Oh how it melts me.
I love how you got my nose and hair, and Daddy's lashes and feet- all like your sister.  I still can't tell what color your eyes are going to be, (they are aweful blue!) and overall you look more like your Aunt Abash and I did as babies. 

I can't wait for you to have tea parties with your sister, and chase each other through the house.  Reagan wants to teach you everything she knows so bad she can't stand it.  She is such a good sister and you adore her so.  She has a certain voice she talks to you in, and calls you Starwetty Starwet- Which makes you light up like a Christmas tree.  Starwet and boogie-bear have been the only nicknames to stick, even though I don't want to call you a boogie.  It just happened : /  We're still working on finding you a new nickname, and Reagan so graciously said you could have one of hers.  Muffin, and she would stay just Biscuit.  So sweet... but we'll see.
I can't believe how much you have grown in the last couple months, just about doubling your birth weight.  Your rolly thighs and pot belly are so adorable, it makes me itch to get little daiper cover shots once you start sitting up : ) 


Boy... Between you and your sister... I doubt there will be a moment forgotten with all our pictures.
And that is the exact reason we do it. 
This life is to precious to forget. 
I love you babe.


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