Junior's Day {June 19, 2010}


I love this man.

He is perfect for me.

He is perfect for Reagan.

I have re-typed this paragraph 8 times, to discribe this wonderful person I married.  But for fear of just sounding down-right corny, I'll just say 'perfect.'  I don't know of a better role model to raise a family, with good values and a strong love and devotion to his family.  I'm proud to have him by my side everyday, giving me the most whole hearted encouragement that has made me the person I am today.  The memories we have made over the last 15 years are all wonderful, and here's to another.

Happy Father's Day.


I tell Reagan all the time that I chose him to be her Daddy,
that he will love her more than any other man for the rest of her life.

Bringing these two souls into my life has been the best decisions I have ever made.


We celebrated at Carrabba's for lunch with my Dad and siblings, and then saw Poppy for dinner. 
Fun as always, isn't that what we're here for?!



She loves her Uncle Alden : )


Chris' Dad...  Love these pics of him, I am told they are a rare catch.  : )

Connie Connie Connie!
Dad and his bud Connie, who will be coming on the cruise with us! ...Oh, CRUISE!

YEAH... We just booked Reagan's first cruise for October this year!
(Technically she has cruised, but we were only 8 weeks prego at the time, don't think she was aware!)
We'll be going Carnival again, and leaving out of Port Canaveral.  Cruising is our favorite way to vacation by far, but we do want to take a trip to Disney World in the next year or so.  For this trip, Paw-Paw and Tracy, Connie, Uncle Alden and Aunt Allie will all be with us. We just went and got Reagan's passport last week, so exciting!!!


Greenjackets {June 18, 2010}

First baseball game!  Well, kinda.  We went for an Augusta Greenjackets game because they were having "A walk in the park" evening, where everyone brought their dogs.  Nani had a little booth set up and so we went to hang out.  Reagan waved to everyone's dog, since they are all eye-level to her, and had a pretty good time.  It was hot, so our favorite thing was the misters... Have I mentioned the HEAT!?  We've had a lot of 100+ days lately, whew!




Aunt TT's dog Hunter... 2nd shot looks like a bite is coming!!!  Only kisses I promise : )


So I asked Reagan, for the first time EVER, to say CHEESE
THIS is what I got. 
Do you parents understand why I never ask it?!  The flared nose COMPLETELY cracked me up, I have never seen that expression out of her. 

See those teeth?  It's looking like she's going to have my under bite!  : (


Driving Nani's Corvette again... Her Mommy will be getting her something close soon! 
A mini-van!  WHOO-HOO!!!
But really, I am SO excited to get a van I can't hardly stand it.  We sold my Tribute a few months back, and I've been driving Junior's truck since then.  I can't stand having the truck, just the function of it, with a baby!?  You've got to be kidding.  No trunk completely sucks.  I have always wanted a van, but let someone (that being Junior) convince me that we didn't need all the space.  Boy was he wrong.  He's been saying for a year now, we need to get a van.
SO... The search is on... I'll report back when we find the right Reagan-mobile!

: )

I promise I will get caught up soon with the blog, thanks for checking in on us!



Reagan... 20 months {June 21, 2010}


Reagan modeling with her night-night babies. 

Bedtime has gotten better, but I think we are hitting the terrible two's a little early. 
She is a loving, happy baby who quite frankly, hasn't been told 'NO' enough.  You know what I mean... before now she was content if I told her no to something, now she's just MAJORLY testing boundaries.  If we have to leave somewhere she wants to be, she falls apart.  It has only happened a few times, but a few too many if you ask me.  Hopefully this stage won't last long!  Good thing she's happy the other 95% of the time : )


Just about every afternoon, before nap, we go swimming on the deck... she always waters the flowers for me.  : )


The best cat in the world.  Duke.  We love him, even though I'm allergic.  He just sleeps outside our door, since I can't let him inside.  So sad...







I love the way our chins fit together! : ) So sweet!

Photobucket                            Photobucket



Ponies!!! {June 2010}

This is starting to leave the Zoo in the dust.
Reagan's favorite right now is going to Paw-Paw's to see Tracy's horses,
or as Reagan knows them, 'the ponies.'


I even SPELL pony now and she starts her little "NAY, NAY!"  All excited ready to go.  Yesterday morning, I told her we were going to say hi to Nani and then going to Daddy's work.  She responded, "Nani, Dada" (shake her head no with wrinkled brows) "Nay, Nay, Nay, Puh-Puh!" (translation: pony at Paw-Paw's- pointing to the door with the biggest smile ever.) 



We have started a new thing, and yesterday she got to watch Tracy feed the horses, and we rode out though the paddocks on the golf cart. Hard to beat that. She runs though the barn, waving "HI!" to all the barn dogs, and the cats too. Then we always have to love on the 'ponies' Guiness and Dewey. Guiness is her favorite, and apparently he likes her too. They said he doesn't like anyone to touch him, yet he held perfectly still for Reagan to point out all his facial features and hug him repeatedly.
And kisses.
And put her sunglasses on him.
We love Guiness.




We don't use the term "ponies" lightly.  These are World Champion Horses.  My Dad's wife Tracy has been riding and competing her whole life and Dewey is her Champ right now, but her history goes way back.  Her trainer too, Cynthia.  There's a little piece of news here, not that it gives you but probably a portion of her accomplishments.  I am so impressed by her, and have such respect for what they do.  I can't begin to say how many ribbons, blankets and trophy's adorn Dad and Tracy's house, they have spilled over into Kaki's old house next door.  They're beautiful. 


Dewey trying to eat Juniors watch.  His lips made it 3/4 of the way around his wrist more than once.










Cynthia said the other day she would trade me pictures for Reagan's riding lessons one day. Don't THINK we don't plan on jumping all over that!  Oh we would love for her to ride!  Here's a few of her little Lucy with her horse Clay...

I also shot Guiness and his "Mommy" Collier last week. She goes with Tracy and Cynthia for competitions a lot and Guiness has his share of awards under his belt as well. Wow, I just went and googled them both. They blow me away.  And this girl is only nineteen.  Here's a few fav's...

I LOVE WHAT I DO.    ; )




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