Reagan... 20 months {June 21, 2010}
Reagan modeling with her night-night babies.
Bedtime has gotten better, but I think we are hitting the terrible two's a little early.
She is a loving, happy baby who quite frankly, hasn't been told 'NO' enough. You know what I mean... before now she was content if I told her no to something, now she's just MAJORLY testing boundaries. If we have to leave somewhere she wants to be, she falls apart. It has only happened a few times, but a few too many if you ask me. Hopefully this stage won't last long! Good thing she's happy the other 95% of the time : )
Just about every afternoon, before nap, we go swimming on the deck... she always waters the flowers for me. : )
The best cat in the world. Duke. We love him, even though I'm allergic. He just sleeps outside our door, since I can't let him inside. So sad...
I love the way our chins fit together! : ) So sweet!