"Mommy and Daddy kiss please" video {November 2009}

Okay. I finally caught this on video. Reagan only does this after her bath, when she's getting all bundled up in her towel. She started a few weeks ago wanting to 'tiss' us back and forth, and we tissed each other one day. That's all it took. All she wants is to see us tiss, and obviously she is very persistant. She grabs our faces and pushes them together. Sometimes my heart feels like it's going to burst, and I just can't handle what she dishes out. I love her so much : )


Kristina's Bridal Shower {November 14, 2009}

Kristina and Troy are getting married in Utah in a couple weeks (Dec 10th) I just went to her bridal shower that some of the women from church threw for her. They played a little game, having Kristina answer 25 questions about Troy that they already knew the anwers to, just to see how well she knew him. She did pretty good, getting 18 right! I don't know that I could have answered everything right for Junior. : ) She got some great useful gifts, (alot of kitchen stuff, her favorite) and crock pots were the gift of choice... totaling 3 for the night. Oh, and 1 black stringy thing... ha! We can't wait for the wedding! Junior, Reagan and I are flying out that Tuesday before and coming back Friday. Maybe our Christmas card will be in the snow this year!?!?!


I love my Uncle Alden... {November 8, 2009}

I don't know what to say... but these are the sweetest pictures with her Uncle Alden. I'm just trying to figure out a way to get these framed together...
We love you Uncle Alden!


Reagan's walking! video {November 9, 2009}


Dancing Reagan Videos {October 2009}

This is the cutest thing when Reagan dances. I mean the little 10 second song on any toy can make her start brakin' those knees. I don't know where she got that from!?!?!?!

When there's nothing to hold onto to stand up... still dance : )

It's all in the shoulders...


Mom's Birthday dinner {November 8, 2009}


Family Pic {November 8, 2009}

Is that the cutest family you've ever seen or what!?!?!!!!

This is the new 'Brow' look we get alot. She just discovered she could do this the week after her birthday. It is hysterical.


Reagan's Birthday Party! {October 25, 2009}

This really was the most perfect day. I thought Reagan's batteries would never give out, and she was SO happy all day, (followed by a nearly 3 hour nap.) She loved the crowd and laughed and played with all the kids (that was her favorite part... having someone else play with her toys too) There is nothing better than being surrounded by your family and friends, and Junior and I both wished the day would never end. Junior would rather have a party at our house than any other thing in the world. Spending time together can never be replaced, and sharing as much time with our favorite people is very important to us.

Ashton and Chris made this pumpkin for Reagan which we LOVED! I let it sit on the porch after it started stinking a few days later, and felt so guilting throwing it away. I did wait until there was mold though : )


Videos of Reagan... {October 2009}

Daddy's Earphones

Eggs... I don't think so Mommy.


SCARY Lion Video! {October 19, 2009}


Hilton Head Videos {October 10, 2009}


"The laugh" Video {October 1, 2009}


Nummies Video! {September 2009}




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