Our little Punkin' in a Patch {October 21, 2009}

We had so much fun going to the pumpkin patch today, that this may have to become a tradition. It was Reagan's birthday, and I wanted some fall pictures, boy did I get them. Truly some of my favorites. It was BEAUTIFUL outside, crisp clear blue sky and 75 degrees. If only everyday could be so perfect.


Birthday Cake! {October 21, 2009}

This was just for us. We are having her party on Sunday, but we wanted to sing Happy Birthday and have some cake on her 'birthday' : ) She just needed a little nudge, and she enjoyed playing and getting messy. NOT her Mother's child!


Hangin' out with Mommy {October 20, 2009}

THIS is what awaits me every morning. BLISS.
She (usually) wakes up so happy, and I hear her Snoopy and Pooh Bear singing to let me know she's up. I really don't want her to grow up.

Now Reagan's FAVORITE thing to do is talk on the phone. We always talk to Daddy, even if he's in the room, and she babbles and babbles away. Yesterday in Publix, she sat the whole time in the cart with a plastic mixing spoon to her ear, and when I had to take it at check out, she took the clip from her hair, and continued right on with her conversation. Yep. Using the clip. In the last few days, she has been using anything as a phone. She picks up any toy, curls her hand so far that her wrist is actually touching her ear, and is quite content telling Daddy about her day. I love it : )

We see this all the time. She always hands us things and is very persistant that we take them. My favorite is in her high chair, she likes to feed us now but for some reason tries to trick only her Mommy. She waits until the 'nummy' is in my mouth, and then yanks it away laughing and eats it herself. She is so proud.
This is our wind blown 'cool chick' pose : )


1 year shoot at Riverwalk {October 19, 2009}


Reagan and Chase {October 17, 2009}


Hilton Head Trip {October 10, 2009}




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