Baby Reagan 4 weeks old!- Nov 20, 2008

She's a month old already... wow. I've made alot of adjustments in the last few weeks, and handling pretty well. Nursing has taken the most work because it changes day to day. One day she's great, then the next she has really bad gas, and fussy. Everyday I'm trying something different, and the women at the hospital have answered MANY of my questions lately.

Our schedule consists of eating, pooping, eating, crying, eating, burping, pooping, and the occational smile now and then. I do always manage to get a shower for myself in there, and maybe a trip outside the house for a bit to visit someone. With the holidays coming, she really won't be able to go out in public with me much. By the time she passes the 'safe zone' (around 8 weeks old) we will be hitting flu season and the craziness of Christmas shopping. Oh well, we weren't going to be buying much this Christmas anyway.

Reagan makes us so happy, and her Daddy Junior said this morning "They just don't make them cuter than her." I got teary eyed yesterday in the car when Christmas songs were on the radio. Our family and the holidays mean so much to us, and it really hit home to think it was Reagan's first time hearing Christmas songs. I can't wait to have our little traditions be something that Reagan looks forward to, and to start all new ones with her too.

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