Hilton Head~ all the kids! {June 2011}

This was the first time all the grand kids have been together at the beach.  First time I've gotten them together for a picture too, (and of course, it would be my child not looking at the camera, oh well~)  

This feels like it was forever ago... and yes, I am packing now to head back to the beach in the morning. 
I'm only 8 weeks behind on posting...Ouch! 

Our little swimmer is doing so good!

Longhorn's is the tradition at the beach for us.  Always. : )

For this trip, Aaron brought his family of 6 so Pete's mom rented another condo.  There were 15 of us total, which was cool, but MAN was it crazy!  I feel like I didn't get good enough pictures, especially on the beach, but it was such a mad house.  Too many kids and not enough eyes with everyone so scattered.  I was "on call" I guess : )

Mid afternoon after swimming is when everyone crashes...

(no, these were NOT our sleeping arrangements!  Kyle and Becca slept in separate bunks : )

Aaron's rug rats- Leddie, Mason and Aubie. 
Love them  : )

Did I mention Reagan LOVES her cousins?!  She still says "Tomowoah, we doe to da beach wif my tousins!  Yeah!  We dunna have so much fun!"  Then I have to tell her they're home in Tennessee, so then... "We doe to Tennessee to see my tousins and den tate dem to da beach wif uuuuuus!   Yaaay!"

Yeah.  She misses you girls ; ) 



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