Halloween... late. {October 31, 2010}

Yeah, yeah.  Well at least I'm not posting after the new year... How embarrassing. 

Reagan looked super cute in her ladybug costume for Halloween this year.
  We only went to see her grandparents and a couple friends since she's so little- sugar isn't one of our favorite things to feed her since it makes her grumpy!
Our first stop was at Paw Paw's house, and these shots are priceless to me. 

This is the house I grew up in.  I have such good memories here, from when my parents were married and us 3 kids were together. 
I lived on my roller skates in this parking lot, and played hide-and-seek in the kennels. 

I walked this wall ALL the time when I was little, and it's the first thing Reagan wants to do when she's here.



The staircase were Ashton and I stood for pictures in our Christmas dresses every year, or posing with our crimped hair and the occasional matching outfit. 

My ballet recital picture Mom took and framed in the house was taken on these stairs, with the same baby-blue carpet.  Talk about a flash-back. 
Brings back a lot of memories especially for my Mom, who hasn't walked them in years. 



The Front Doors.
You don't realize how neat something is as a kid because you don't know any different.  My parents really did a great job on this house, with it's cool funky roof lines : )  One of my favorite things growing up was the front doors.  The cut glass is beautiful and I always remember the rainbow light pouring through them in the morning as a kid.  
I love them, and they could never be replaced.

I will have to get some pictures of us at home as kids, but that's for another day.  I was lucky to get this far...

On to the next!-
SaraBeth's Mom, Savta, came to visit us! 
She was in town to see Eva (her legitimate grandchild) : ) and brought Reagan birthday presents. She opened them while we skyped with Aunt SaraBeth and Asher so they could watch.
I so wish SaraBeth lived here...  We still haven't met little Asher- it has been since her wedding that we last hugged her : (  Reagan was only 7 months old!  Whenever her name comes up, Reagan runs to the laptop to see her- she thinks she lives in the computer. 

A few weeks ago Reagan got a framed picture of SB and set it up on her picnic table.  She shared her cookies with her, her sippy cup, and even wiped her mouth to get the smudged cookie crumbs off the glass.  Yeah, she misses her too.


And some smiles from the park : )




One more post (I think) then Christmas! : )


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