Getting Ready for Christmas! {December 2010}

Christmas was fun, with Reagan being older and taking part in everything this year.  For this post, it might be a little choppy but pretty much fills in for the month of December.  I think my next post will be some of Reagan's words and how she is learning lately.  It is so cute to hear her version of certain words, like Pinocchio being "No notes."  Megan watched her the other night while Junior and I went for a date, and she got frustrated trying to tell her she wanted to "Watch No-notes."  She repeated herself about 7 times, and they figured it out after Megan showed her all the movies on the shelf. 
Megan thought is was hysterical. : ) 



These were taken at my Dad's house, as our 2nd Christmas shoot.  This image we made into stamps with and LOVED them : ) 


Our favorite... could you tell?  I think we'll be doing something for the wall of this.



Reagan helped out decorating the tree this year.  She put the entire contents of her little kitchen on the branches of the tree.  Pots, pans, dishes, and all the food. 
Of course we left it there all month : )




-Christmas Party-
Mom had her Christmas party this year, and we enjoyed getting to visit with everyone.  I realized as we were leaving that I really didn't take any pictures (weird) and when I downloaded, the only ones we did take were of Reagan. Go figure!  Sorry to anyone who was there and expected to see pictures, oops is all I can say.  


Reagan loves playing pool-  Nani and Pops even have a little stool there for her.




- Cookie Day! -

Mom, Ashton and I had our cookie day this year at my house.  It worked out great so Reagan had her toys (in a child-proof house, so I didn't have to worry about her) and I could continue baking through her nap... She does best on her schedule, keeps us all happy. 

She was so cute decorating the cookies!  Excuse me... "tooties."  I was so excited she could really be involved this year- I got the cutest holly leaves and berries sprinkles from Target for the occasion.  We stuck to the two good basics this year that are always a must, and didn't get experimental.  Gingerbread and spritz.
  Mom, Ashton and I were in the kitchen the whole second half of the day, and Alden stopped by to say hi too.  Fun as always.  Photobucket


Hangin out with Uncle Alden. 
The first thing she says when she sees Alden or Ashton is "phone! phone!" because they have cool games on their iPhones.  Alden loaded a bunch of games on his old iPhone and gave it to her last month.  It has been one of her FAVORITE toys.  It's so amazing to me to see her little fingers work that phone so well, flipping through all the screens and goes right where she wants.  She calls it "Baby's phone." 



Making gingerbreads, I had to improvise since I couldn't find my rolling pin... it worked.


These cookies are sooooo good. 
If I have them in the house, I swear I eat five an hour.  I can't stay away, they are completely addicting.  Especially the little bite size ones. 
Ummmm.  Perfect.


I did it!  My sewing machine is out!  Woo hoo!

I wanted to make Reagan some pillowcases with her favorites on them.  I bought some Nemo fabric and Elmo with Cookie Monster and only took about an hour or so to make them.  She got the Nemo one that night, and the Elmo one was a Christmas print that she got to unwrap on Christmas eve.  She was actually pretty excited to sleep with it that night.  I REALLY want to start doing this more, a few dresses for her this summer would be so awesome.  I have to keep from drooling when I go to the fabric store, my mind just races.  The fabrics are so cute though! 
Call me a dork if you will.


This is when I was making Mom's Christmas present.  It was a photograph of Reagan's silhouette frames with a piece of Kaki's wedding dress (my grandmother, Reagan carries her maiden name.)  I made Nana one too, hers was a little different painted on fabric and framed with a hand print, initials and cute ribbon.  I got the idea from Sara but changed it since I couldn't really make pillows for either one of them.  (I plan on it for myself one day though!)   I'll have to get pictures of the final products, forgot to do that before Christmas. 
I was thrilled- they turned out PERFECT!


-Christmas Lights-
This has become a new tradition for us.  There is a beautiful place near Mom's house that completely douses a few acres in Christmas lights- "Lights of the South."  I had no idea how many other people thought this was a good idea too.  Luckily Mom thought to buy tickets ahead online (which NO ONE else knew about apparently) and we were able to walk right in.  The swear, it was like they were lined up to get free steaks or something- I have NEVER seen that many people in a line, especially in Augusta.  Probably 800 waiting to get in, standing in the freezing cold, and who knows how many were already in there.  Crazy I tell you.
We had fun on the hay ride that toured the property with all the amazing lights.  Reagan loved it.














-Cousins in town!-
Yesssss!  Leddie, Aubrey and Mason came in town for Christmas!  They arrived the Wednesday before and stayed through the weekend.  Reagan loves them so much, I wish we could see them more.



Oh my gosh.
Are these cute kids or what. 


Oh yeah, she loves her Mason.  Always hugging him and holding his hand to take him places. 





Quite impressive, ay?  Almost caught up to Christmas and it's not even Valentine's Day!  YAY!


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