Carnival Cruise Part II {October 11, 2010}


It's a record!
Day 2 post the very next day!  Whoo hoo!

The first stop was Freeport, I think, they all are the same to me really.  It was a gorgeous day, and we hadn't scheduled an excursion but just had to get off the boat for a bit.  We wandered around a few little shops right off the port, and bought a couple Christmas ornaments to remember Reagan's trip. (Our Christmas tree is covered in random sentimental stuff, love it that way-)     



All Reagan wanted to do was play with the rocks.  Rocks. Rocks. And more Rocks.  She was already going on day two with no nap, and actually did really well (considering) but was becoming a typical 2 year old at times.  A bit more of a handful than usual.  She had fun, but honestly only cared about things she could find on the ground, jewelry we were not taking home with us, and spelling all her letters on every sign we passed.


Here's her spelling.  When she passed ANYTHING with words on it that was within her reach, we had to stop what we were doing for her to read it.  For example, reading the 'celebrity rent-a-car' sign- 
Every. Single. Letter.  And all the numbers at the bottom too. 
I was so proud of her, and we clapped every time.  : ) 

Have I mentioned she is the BEST baby EVER!?
I love her... So much I can't handle it sometimes. 
: )

Back to the boat for swimming and lunch...




The hot-tub was the best.  She loved the bubbles and I loved the shade.  The pool wasn't much bigger anyway and it was too deep for me to stand up in and hold her... !?!  Weird.


Pizza again (of course) and we had the whole back deck to ourselves since everyone was out on the island.
 Such a beautiful view.



Back to the room for showers and a cool down before nap.  The TV in the room played Toy Story 3 non-stop the whole time we were there and she asked to watch it every time we turned it on. 
They are so cute together...   : )

Get ready...
The BEST sunset EVER...


I just stood there and watched it. 

In amazement. 

It was truly THIS beautiful. 

The whole deck was lined with people doing the same thing, everyone quiet, afraid to ruin the moment.


We stopped by our table at the formal dining room that night to say hey to everyone.  We ate earlier and were on our way to watch the "Broadway" show that night (using that term loosely).  We had the late dining time, 8 o'clock, and Reagan obviously couldn't stay up to see the 10:30 show.  We went for the formal dinner a couple times, but were much more comfortable with Reagan at the buffet.  Which was great by the way and had most of the same foods as the formal dining.   
Here's Connie, Dad and Tracy.


And Allie and her parents. 
Uh, yeah.  This cruise was supposed to be with Alden too, but he and Allie separated right before the trip.  I know she was having a hard time with everything, but I was SO glad she enjoyed herself on the trip-  She went with Tracy for some awesome excursions at both ports.  They swam with the dolphins, and went snorkeling with her parents.  (I want some of those pics by the way Allie!)  We love you chick! 



That's my girl, thumb and her belly button.

For REAGAN... The show was AMAZING!
I knew it was going to be loud, and dark, and really had no idea she would be SO into it. 
I mean  her eyes were GLUED to the stage. 
I had that feeling again, like a "little orphan Annie going to the movies" type of moment.  She was so enthralled with the whole experience I wish I could wrap it up for her to keep.


Too bad this picture came out so bad... Here I am just trying to get a shot of this show that has mesmerized my child completely, and here come the Carnival police.  I saw the lady out of the corner of my eye... I knew better than to take the picture to begin with, I did.  And should have known that they would see what felt like 4 feet of camera sticking out from my face... kinda hard to hide.  So I played dumb, said sorry, and then immediately ignored them hoping they would go away and not stand right at Junior's shoulder watching me the whole time... which they did.  Getting this shot of Reagan watching the show made the embarrassment worth it : )

Day 3 will be next... It's a GOOD one!  We spent the day with Connie at the Blue Lagoon.
Oh, and this sunset might be even better... We'll see-


Aunt Allie –   – (12/1/10, 5:53 AM)  

ahhh! i can't look at these without crying! and then the music. it's so amazing! this cruise was no doubt the time of my life! i'm so lucky to have spent it with such amazing people!

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