KEEP YOUR CHANGE- {thoughts March 28, 2010}

When I blog, I always concentrate on our family, events and such, but never really on politics and religion.   Because of our great love and respect for the principles this Nation was founded upon, we may change that today.
A large threat to our Country has begun to unfold. 

We live in the Greatest Nation on Earth.  
This is because of the founding principles of limited government and individual responsibility in the Constitution of the United States.  The reason we are fearful, is because these principals that have made us the most prosperous people in all of human history are under assault.

Just this past Sunday, President Obama has passed his "health care bill," which is the largest confiscation of liberty from the people. 
Please, you are all important to me, and I want you to see what this 'health' care plan is designed to do.
Some of our greatest leaders have warned of this in the past, and who better to help explain than 

President Obama's bill was created with the authors saying that everyone should have access to health care.
  • If that is so, why does the Congressional Budget Office say that by 2020, 19 million people will still be uninsured?  (MUST read this link)
  • Why don't any of the so called "benefits" start until 2013 if it is SO important?
  • Why does the bill not address any of the market causes of the skyrocketing costs?
  • Why does Fidel Castro, the Communist Dictator, praise this Legislation as a 'miracle.' 
The answers are not hard to find if you listen to the authors of the bill... (Names are links to quotes)

Joe Biden:  "We will control the insurance companies."
Barney Frank:  "The public option will lead to single payer." (government run health care)
Rep John Dingle:  "It takes time to put the legislation together to control the people."
President Obama:  "I happen to be a proponent of single payer health care... everybody in and nobody out."  (Obama's video is later in this post)

These people have one thing in common.  They are all big government democrats with a plan to strip us of our freedoms. 
Unconstitutional, and in no way in the Country's best interest.
This bill is the first step towards a socialist Country, and I cannot stress enough how much this will impact EVERYONE'S LIFE.

Socialism, by definition:
1.a theory or system of social organization that advocates the vesting of the ownership and control of the means of production and distribution, of capital, land, etc., in the community as a whole.
2.procedure or practice in accordance with this theory.
3.(in Marxist theory) the stage following capitalism in the transition of a society to communism, characterized by the imperfect implementation of collectivist principles.

The mandates placed on the insurance companies in this bill will run them out of business in 2-5 years.  Mandating that the companies must cover people with pre-existing conditions is absolutely absurd.    You could not get an insurance company to cover your home if it burned down the day before you purchase the policy.  You could not get your auto insurer to repair your car if you bought a policy the day after you were in an accident.  This is crazy to expect a medical insurer to cover a condition you had prior to a policy.  They will simply end up going out of business... hello, single payer.

A single payer health system is the crown jewel of Socialism.  It is the quickest way to control the people.  Socialism and Communism are blood brothers;  they almost the same. Example: USSR (remember the Soviet Union?)  Union of Soviet Socialist Republic.

I cannot stress to you how important this is, and how passionate Pete and I both are about this.

There are market based plans for lowering the costs of health care.  Plans that eliminate boundaries, reduce mandates, and allow more choice and competition between private companies.  These plans have 2 things in common.  They reduce government intervention in the health care system, and they have all been offered by Republicans.

The bill has been passed, but it is not too late to defeat it.  On November 2nd of this year, like President Ronald Reagan said, there will be a "time for choosing."  The choice will be between allowing the Federal Government the tyrannical power of controlling the US health care system, which makes up one sixth of the entire economy, or to reject the liberals attempt at getting their tentacles around the only beacon of freedom (America) left on the face of the Earth.   

Taking over health care will inevitably lead to a complete take over of the US economy.  Every where this has been attempted, it has failed.

To the most informative man on the news, who explains things so well,  Thank you Glenn Beck.

There are a lot of things about how the government runs that I do not fully understand.  I never liked history class growing up, but being married to a VERY politically informed husband, I understand the importance this has on our lives.  
And I want you to as well.

And please, comments are welcome.  Positive or negative.
We would also like to hear what you have to say, and if you disagree, we want to know why.
Post them here, or email us.

If you are as concerned as we are, about the governments take over of the health care industry, please do your part.  Our job as citizens is to preserve this Great Nation that we have been entrusted with.  Our greatest duty is to inform others, and make sure other people are aware.  Please forward this to anyone you feel it may help, and we WILL make a difference.


More to come, and

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