Learning our letters {January 31, 2010}

So I know every Mom probably says this, but I am so proud of my Muffin.  We have been working on learning our alphabet and I am so impressed at how much she is learning.  She knows about 10 letters, can spot them anywhere, and pronounces about half of them.  A, B, C, D, E, G, M, O, R, and T.  I wasn't sure if she would be able to spot them somewhere besides the fridge, but she can : )  We took a book downstairs to visit the 'shop ladies' and she pointed out the ones Nani asked her, that is until she was tired of it... 

Reagan does the funniest thing.  When I ask her a question, 'what should we have for dinner?' or 'where is the letter T?' she taps her chin and gives a 'hummm.'  That's what she is doing in the top picture in b&w.  I know she picked it up from me, but it still cracks me up. 
Need I say it.  


We made alphabet soup for Daddy the other day, and had it waiting on the stove for him when he got home.  (wink wink)

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