Lately... {March 1, 2011}

Last week was my Vegas trip.  Completely changed me as I expected.  The only thing is getting the time to implement some ideas since I am still full-time Mommy, and get this... NO MORE NAPS!  Without any warning, no phasing out of the 2 hour break I get in the middle of the day, just GONE.  Oh what I would give for that nap to return.  Not that she isn't wonderful, but I am her go-to person for every thing and it can be exhausting at times.  She does get to watch a little TV during the day, but not near enough to get things done.  Nor would I want her to- it makes me feel guilty every time she sits in front of the screen, even though ALL she watches is Word World and I know she's learning.  For the last month at least, she doesn't want to see ANYTHING but Word World- I'm so glad that's her favorite, could be a lot worse : )

For this post, I want to give myself a future reminder of Reagan's little self, who she is right now.  My next one will be about Vegas, A LOT to write about there.  Tons of inspirational classes and new purchases, and  became friends with a little Fiji chick.  Loved her!  Anyway, Reagan for this post- she just KEEPS CHANGING!

One of our favorite activities has been painting.  She is so careful and always says "uh oh!" if ever a little speck of water lands anywhere but the paper. (not that it doesn't happen)  We made bead necklaces a few days ago which was a big hit, and will be getting more soon.  She also has a 'sand and water' table that Nana and Poppy got her for Christmas that has been another favorite lately.  I have only put water in it so far, but Junior bought a bag of sand the other day... I could have killed him.  I mean, it's not way out in the yard, it's right outside the kitchen door and I just knew that there would be sand all over the house.
I guess I shouldn't be surprised that she has kept it all on the deck. 
To love playing in dirt and sand she sure is a tidy kid!  It's top on her list when we go to the playground.  Find a stick and draw in the sand.  Love her.


aka "jihjah"- said exactly like the video intro : )
We have loved JibJab for a long time, but she just recently rediscovered it's wonderful powers.  We LITERALLY watch at least 10 JibJab's a day for the last few weeks.  Our absolute FAVORITE one is from Halloween but it wouldn't let me post for some reason.  This was another one of her favorites today...

Personalize funny videos and birthday eCards at JibJab!

Baking, baking, baking.  Reagan always wants to make cookies (which we just so happened to do tonight.)  She dumps all the ingredients, mixes the chocolate chips and perfectly places the sprinkles.  It is so cute to see her busting at the seems while they are in the oven.  I turn the light on for her and she watches the whole 8 minutes.  Waiting not so patiently on them to come out. 


When we read our stories, she has her own way of pronouncing the characters in her books.  Snow White has always been Too-Whitz, but she informed Junior and I this morning- "No Daddy, not Too-Whitz, Toe White!"  I hate to see her grow up.  I love to see her grow up, I guess. 

Pinocchio used to be No-Notes, and a couple weeks ago turned to No-E-oh (pretty close without her hard c.)  Nemo was always pronounced Mo-mo, and while getting revved up for our Aquarium visit, (oh yeah, we went to the Aquarium yesterday) she started calling him Nemo.  Sniff sniff. 

Jiminy Cricket is the funniest one to me, Tu-E-Titets.  She even corrected my TONE when I said it the other night reading Pinocchio.  "No Mommy Tu-E-Titets, Tu-e-TITETS!"  Apparently it has to be said with an 'exclimation' of excitement every time you mention him.  Love her.




I hope she never stops the way she says...

"I otay Mommy!" (if she falls down)

"Wacha doooin' Mommy?" (which I answer and she then tells me exactly what she's doooin too)

"Tih-wee, tih-wee, tih-wee!"  (calling the kitty, in her high pitch voice and squinty eyes)

    "Watch Nemo? Hum.(while tapping her chin) No.
       Watch Ariel? Hum. No. 
         Watch Toe White? Hum. No.
           Watch Word World! Yes! Yes! Watch Word World Mommy!"
This is her rehearsed little conversation she has with herself and I just shake my head along with her. It's the same every time.

Favorite words (that make no sense):
    crayons: "havaz"
      coloring: "tuh-yuh"
        crackers: "ha-has" 

I know I am forgetting a whole lot, but this is just what comes to mind.

I really need video, because she will have the cutest little conversations with us and I can't ever seem to catch them.  The only video I get is if she doesn't know it's there, and in that case it's too far away to get much of her expressions.  The second she spots the camera, she wants to watch videos- makes it so difficult!




Back seat driver

We were in the car last week, coming up on the shopping center with BuyBuy Baby (which no one had mentioned.)  At the intersection I turned left and Reagan got all upset that I went the wrong way!  I was so surprised she remembered, considering she couldn't even see the store! 
"Oh NO Mommy!  Wrong way mommy!  Elmo store dat way Mommy!" while straining and pointing back the other way.  She doesn't forget anything.  Completely cracked us up.






It's so hard to put in writing all the little things that make her so irresistible.  You just can't not smile when she grins and drags you to play and jump on the bed with her- "pay wif you peez!"  Every thing she says makes me smile.  I'm pretty lucky to have been chosen to be her Mommy.  Even without nap breaks : )



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