Tanner's CT Scan/ Dr appt March 5, 2009

I went for my follow up appointment with the Oncologist today. I accually had the scan done 2 weeks ago, and today was the results appt. Everything looks fine, nothing has come back, and he wants to see me 3 times this year, twice next year, then once a year. He said the only bad thing about my type of cancer is that my chance of reoccurance doesn't decrease with time. It could hit me 10 years from now, and he still strongly suggests a historectomy after we're through having children. He couldn't give me a time frame though, because there's no way to know when it may come back. We could at least prevent it from hitting my other ovary if it wasn't there! (There's a chance it could effect other organs though.)
Well, at this point, everythings okay, and I know they will take care of me should something come up, and I'm going for frequent exams. The thing he surprised me on was saying that I would need chemo if there were ever anymore problems : ( We'll cross that bridge when and IF we ever need to.

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