Baby shower! September 21, 2008

Our Baby Shower was this weekend! Beth, Mom, and Ashton threw the shower for us, and it was absolutely perfect. We had a couples shower, so everyone could come, and they made burgers on the grill and all the stuff to go with it. We had an unbeleivable amount of gifts that humbles me to even think about. I am so grateful for all the people we have in our lives, and soon to be Reagan's too. I have to say, I have been more cited about one certain gift, I knew it was coming from SaraBeth's mom, and I love it more than anything. She hand made a blanket for Reagan, and I truely think it's the most perfect, beautiful blanket I've ever seen. I absolutely love it, and it was the gift that made me cry. I wish that SaraBeth and her family were here through my pregnancy, I really miss them and feel like they are missing out on alot. BUT... I would much rather them come visit when Reagan is here verses now, so I guess it's okay. They've been a big part of my life, and I want her to have them as well.

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