Beth, my superhero...

Beth and her family mean alot to us. We have been friends since 99 when I started working at the studio. I really don't have any relationship like it, and she will be a 2nd mom when it comes to raising Reagan. (The 3rd mom slot has been filled by little miss Anna Grace.)

Going through Anna's baby clothes, all to share with baby Reagan!

Beth has been a wonderful life saver when it comes to baby stuff. I have so many things already that it really takes the stress off for the whole getting ready stage. Between Beth, her sister, and sister-in-law, we have alot of what we're going to need! When Reagan is here, I don't plan on working much. I will be leaving the studio, and working a little at mom's shop, and here and there for my dad. We have been looking forward to this for so long, and I want to enjoy every minute of it.




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