Big Trouble Missy... {February 2010}

I know every toddler has to test their boundaries.  But boy is this little Hawkes girl stubborn.  There are a few things she is not allowed to touch, and overall she listens pretty well.  The tests tend to come in sets though.  If I tell her no to something, like touching the dog bowl, then she runs to the next thing she knows I will say no to, stands in front of it, and waits for my response.  
She cracked me up today, doing exactly what I expected, but this time she got a little creative.  Usually it's just touching things like the diaper pail, computer, toilet or shoes.  All no's in my book, but she decided to move a toy on wheels over to the toy box to climb.  When I said no, then we get more creative.  'I'm going to put my jammies in the trash can'...  "NO"...  'I'm going to get into the silverware drawer'...  "NO"...  'I'm going to get into the only cabinet Mommy hasn't Reagan-proofed'... "NO"...  'Okay, I won't touch the dog bowl, but who says my TOY can't do it instead?'  You get it.  I fight the laughter with everything in my power since I know it will only make it worse, but it's so hilarious. 
Any advice from a seasoned Mom? 
Dealt with a Hawkes baby before?!?! Of course it doesn't come from me : )

Ashley Hawkes  – (2/13/10, 9:59 PM)  

HEHEHE yes. I have two of those stubborn Hawkes babies, one being a redhead to boot. It's a phase. And yes, she's testing her boundaries!

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