The Bayou {February 14, 2011}

This past Monday, Valentines Day, was my first night away from Reagan.  I got to spend some time in Louisiana for an old friend of mine who is currently deployed in Afghanistan.  He contacted me a while back to organize a surprise for his wife- having me flying out for newborn pictures.  I was so excited waiting on the call that he was here- new baby Sam with the cutest dimple chin and head full of black hair you've ever seen.  His wife Tiffany was awesome and I thoroughly enjoyed visiting with their family.   I have always had a special place in my heart for our soldiers and their families, but this put things on a whole new level for me.  In a strange way, being able to enjoy this little person before Eric could felt like cheating!  No one else should get to know his son first! I am such a sap that I can't even thank a soldier for his service without tearing up, there I go just thinking about it, and the monumental sacrifices they have made for our country. I didn't know what to say when Caroline grabbed the keyboard and the mouse, pointing to the screen saying "Daddy!" and then when she kissed his picture to say night-night to him before bed.  I KNOW if they Skyped with him while I was there I would just loose it.  Tiffany is a strong woman is all I can say.  Sam's big sister Caroline was the cutest thing, so enjoyable, and reminded me a lot of Reagan.  I scooped in at bath time without hesitation to take over Caroline's while Tiffany had the baby.  That's what mom's are programed for right?  I was supposed to be bathing someone that night!  I'm going to have a HORRIBLE time missing Reagan and Junior in Vegas, but then I just think of how lucky I am.

So here's a few from the trip, short and sweet after all my blubbering ; )

Baby Sam

Tiffany... just beautiful.

Miss Caroline


Thank you Eric and Tiffany, for everything.


Reagan Baking {February 10, 2011}

One of Reagan's favorite places to be- standing in a chair right up at the counter.  She watches me cook everything, and she eats half her meals right a long side me at the stove.  She was looking at pictures the other day of herself making Christmas cookies, and now has started asking to make cookies.  She's never had to ask more than once : )  This was our sugar cookie day, which I carried batch after batch down to the ladies fresh out of the oven.  Oh my gosh... these cookies taste incredible, especially barely cool enough to touch. 

Too funny... I was working on this post this afternoon, and Reagan spotted it.  I have since been to the store for butter, and we just made half a batch.  So the ladies will have some in the morning! : )

Reagan's No-Roll Sugar Cookies:

2 cups sugar
3 sticks butter, softened
1 cup flaked coconut
1 teaspoon vanilla
3 cups all-purpose flour
1 teaspoon baking soda
1/2 teaspoon salt
Heat oven to 350.

Beat 2 cups sugar, the butter, coconut and vanilla in large bowl with mixer.  Stir in flour, baking soda and salt. 

Place about 3 inches apart on ungreased cookie sheet and flatten slightly.  Bake 8 minutes.

If you decorate with sprinkles like ours, you can find the longest one and use it to scoop dough and eat it like Reagan!  She's showing her Daddy her 'scooper' in this picture... he he he!




Reagan always hugs and kisses her Daddy when he leaves for work, and then again through the glass. 
Like so : )


Junior took these the other day for me- I realized I hadn't taken but a handful (or the last 2 posts worth) of pictures for the whole month of January!  I should be in time out.



Tah dah!  My fresh and clean baby.  I still bathe her in the sink, she loves it and still fits surprisingly.  When I wrap her up in her towel, she pretends to sleep... "ha-sue, ha-sue, ha-suey" so quiet you can barely hear.  After I get her jammies on, she runs to Cirs, and says in the cutest high pitch cutsie voice "Tummon Sissy, wanna pay wif you Sissy!  No sweepy time now, pay wif me Sissy!"  I will trust you got that... So after she has Sissy move to the center of the floor she dances circles around her, then we dry hair and brush teeth.  She flosses while I dry her hair (or just bites it because it tastes good) and then she gets to brush my teeth.  We hop in bed and read two stories, her choice, and say night-night.  What better way to spend your evening?!  Makes me happy...




Uncle Alden {January 29, 2011}

This is for you Uncle Alden... We love you.  And your "new" Caddy.


This has been Alden's dream car, a 64' Cadillac Deville.

Cars have always been my brother's life.  When we were kids he would say he was going to have his own limo someday, one of his many cars.  Nothing was ever "as is" though - he was going to drop it, bag it, and other lingo I don't really understand.  He has ALWAYS known his love, and has now grown a successful business doing what makes him happy.  He impresses me. : )

Alden has talked about getting a Caddy for a while, and he almost settled for a 67' Coupe because he couldn't find what he wanted.  Then one day this one drove right in front of him while he was trying to decide whether he should settle. It wasn't for sale, but he chased the guy down to talk him into selling.  After Alden promised to take care of his baby, he agreed. 

He's also been given visitation rights. 







Alden LOVED these pictures (of course) and we're going to frame one soon for his house.  I'm sure I'll have  something up too, they have been some of my favs.  I'm sure we'll be shooting with his baby again-  Megan plans on finding the perfect dress for the occasion, maybe I can talk Ashton into it too.  We'll see.

Oh Vegas soon!  Less than 2 weeks!  Yay!

Til next time : )


Two and a quarter {January 28, 2011}

My baby's growing up!  I can't believe she'll be 2 1/2 in a few short months.  : )
We're ready to take on 2011, and have planned some fun trips for this year...


Things have slowed down after the holidays and now I'm bracing myself for a transformation. 
So get ready everybody. 
There's gonna be a new Tanner in town ; )
I have scheduled a trip to the largest photography convention
I know of, WPPI Las Vegas

I have heard about it for 12 years now, how completely eye-opening the whole experience can be. We have been chewing on this for the last year knowing it would be a must for the business, and a few weeks ago we finally booked the trip. We decided it would be best if Junior and Reagan stayed home, and put the extra money into more equipment. I REALLY want them to be there, but I will be in classes from 8am to 8 or 9 pm and visiting vendors in between. We agreed that occupying a 2 year old in Vegas wasn't the best spent time and with her sleep schedule, she'd be in bed at 6pm Nevada time. Not too much fun for us either.
So. I plan to soak up all I can for a few days, and will miss my family DESPERATELY while I'm away. I've never left Reagan before, and actually never been away without Junior like this either, it'll be strange for me. But exciting. Some of the Top Photographers in the World will be instructors, which are like movie stars for me I guess. Just researching their work has been inspirational, my head will surely be spinning after I leave class. I probably won't sleep a wink.

So this spring I plan for some new advertising and flexing my brain and Nikon a little more. I'm booking sessions for the spring, and I know I will be bursting to get out there and try new stuff. Thanks to all my family and clients for the support ; ) Great things are to come!

As for vacations...
A few years ago we inherited a time share from my grandparents. We've only used it once since then, but fully plan on getting into the swing of setting up trips a couple times a year.

First trip to... DISNEY WORLD!!!

We are scheduled for October, right at Reagan's 3rd birthday!  We have a condo set up for the seven of us for a week... Nani and Pops, Alden, Ashton, Reagan, Junior and I.
 I intend on becoming a Disney pro, so I will need help from all of you. If you have any tips to help in any way, we need them! Starting with purchasing park hoppers, or whatever you call them, I need help!  What site's are good, best place to book things... everything.  The only thing I do know is the Princess Dinner at the Castle is a must, and reservations have to be made months in advance. HELP! : )

We plan on taking a couple trips to Hilton Head, probably April and June.  These are the trips I plan on shooting clients and will plan for October too if I book those slots. 
Our zoo trips will continue as I suspect, and we have another Aquarium trip planned in a few weeks with Nani, Aunt TT and Megan.  They will be in Atlanta for a grooming convention and are going to spend the morning with us visiting Nemo ; )

Oh... for fear of posting without pictures... here's a little Muffin.







She's so irresistible.  We love her.

We LOVE comments!  I'm sure there are a few of you out there that enjoy checking in on us, so please let us know what you think... share the love!  ; ) 


Snow Angel {January 10, 2011)

You know what will be hanging on my wall?!

I say that a lot I guess... What will I do when we have more kids?
Junior says we just have to get bigger walls since he won't let me recycle my frames.  Once something gets framed, it has to stay that way, it's forever a memory. 
When I want to frame something new, he says I just have to go shopping : )
Wish I could always take him up on that!


We have had the craziest weather.
The day after Christmas it snows and 6 days later it's 76 degrees. Then the snow returns a few days after that but in INSANE amounts- followed by sleet to make it icy and dangerous. Crazy I tell you! Snow in Augusta so heavy that EVERYTHING shut down. It was beautiful though, tucked away at home for the day.


Reagan wanted to go out in the snow so bad she couldn't stand it.  I had the coat from last year, hat and mittens (which I never thought I would use) but no pants or shoes suitable.  SO we improvised and put on 2 pair of fleece footed jammies, followed with slippers since shoes wouldn't fit on top.  Then we bagged them.  That's right, Wal-Mart shopping bags to waterproof her feet.  She was thrilled- and that's what we're here for : )






Reagan playing at the barn with Bubbah (Dad's bozo champ)  on New Year's Eve- 76 degrees.  ? 



Our princess... 



"Daddy hole (hold) you!"
Melts him everytime.



Spring fever has hit me strong this year already.  I've started cleaning and despately want Reagan out riding her bike.  So does she.  We've planned a few trips for this year I am SO excited about!  I'll update you in the next post with some adorble new head shots of The Muffin : )
Til then!





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